CPA Benefits Business Partners

Through our strategic partnerships and business relationships, CPA Benefits can connect you with helpful professionals no matter your financial or insurance needs. Our partners share the same understanding of the specific concerns CPAs face and are dedicated to serving you with unparalleled care.

Property & Casualty Agents

Property & Casualty insurance can serve as an important layer of protection for your home, car, and physical assets. But under the P&C banner, you will also find solutions that may be beneficial for practice owners, such as Workers Comp & Liability, Commercial Vehicles (including ambulance and aircraft), and General Liability.

Health Insurance Providers

CPA Benefits health agents have solutions for CPA professionals and their organizations. If you are an individual seeking enhanced benefits or a firm owner seeking a group policy for all the members of your team, our Health agents are ready to provide you with comprehensive health insurance options.

Estate Planning

Many individuals, no matter their profession, wonder when they should begin estate planning. The truth is, if passing on a financial legacy is a goal, the right time is now. There are strategies and solutions that work best when they are aligned with your current financial and retirement planning goals. Our financial professionals can help you navigate the sometimes complex estate planning process, and develop plans that work for now, retirement, and beyond.