CPA Benefits provides life insurance for accountants to fit a range of needs. Life insurance is primarily used for two purposes: to provide a death benefit and to build cash value.
Death Benefit
All basic life insurance contracts provide a death benefit. The death benefit amount can be customized to meet your needs and budget.
Cash Value
In addition to a death benefit you can structure a policy to accumulate tax-deferred cash. This optional feature allows cash to be accessed during your lifetime, through policy loans or withdrawals. This can be helpful for emergency situations, financing a college education, or taking a much needed vacation.
While there are a variety of life insurance options and features on the market today, life insurance typically falls under two categories: term life and permanent life.
Term Life Insurance
Term life, is the more cost effective of the two options. This type of policy provides protection for a specific timeframe (term). Typically in ten-year periods from 10 to 30 years. If you die within the insured term, the insurance company issues a payment to your beneficiaries. If however, you survive the period, your coverage ends. For those seeking a large death benefit, term life insurance may be an appropriate option.
Additional features can enhance your term coverage
CPA Benefits offers whole life, universal life, and term life insurance for accountants. Contact us for a personalized quote today!
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Permanent Life Insurance
Unlike term life Insurance a permanent life insurance policy will provide lifetime protection, as long as premiums and applicable charges are paid per the condition of the contract. This comprehensive category life insurance policy type offers flexibility and builds tax-deferred cash value.
There are three main types of Permanent Life insurance:
Whole Life
Whole Life Insurance provides a death benefit, guarantees a rate of growth for the cash value component, and dividend payments.
Guaranteed Universal Life
Guaranteed Universal Life insurance can be considered a combination of term and whole life insurance. Like permanent life they not expire because there is no ending “term.” Policies have a level premium and level death benefit for life.
Indexed Universal Life
A Indexed Universal Life insurance policy allows you to inherit all the upside of the stock market, without the downside risk. Cash value accumulation is tied to one or multiple market indexes such as the S&P 500, Russell 2000, or Euro Stock Index. This type of policy allows you to have permanent coverage in place while also allowing you to take advantage of possible cash accumulation.
Cash Value Life Insurance – Additional Benefits
In addition to protecting your dependents a Cash Value life insurance policy is protected from creditors. In most states you can own this in your name, have access to the value and the account will not be subject to a lawsuit. The cash value can be accessed anytime and can be used to supplement retirement income.